Sustainability: How that translates to agriculture

Posted on February 1, 2017  /  0 Comments




Agricultural sustainability is a priority in terms of promoting the “Green Economy”. However during the past several years the word “Agricultural Sustainability” has only been a catch phrase. Policy makers pound hard on the word “Agricultural sustainability” while the country was fully geared towards chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Neither farmers nor the policy makers really cared about the long-term impacts rather short term goals were the aim. I argue that the main reason for this is because there wasn’t a strong government patronage behind the efforts towards sustainable agriculture.


That era seems to have ended with the new government and two national programs are in place in promoting sustainable agriculture under the direct preview of the President himself. While the objectives are timely the activities might create issue for the adoption of the program by farmers and consumers. Therefore the objective of the article was to critically evaluate these programs and provide recommendation.


Read more from the below link–How-that-translates-to-agriculture

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