Online freelancing small and simple jobs distributed through online platforms to workers for greater cost efficiencies across geographic boundaries. Typical “jobs” that are outsourced through platforms include graphic design, data entry, proofreading, translation, copyediting, market research, programming, data verification etc. Online freelancing is growing rapidly and gaining popularity within the younger generation in as it provides avenues to make extra income with ones skills and knowledge while being at home. The extent to which the online freelancing /Microwork can lead to inclusive growth benefiting under-employed youth, women and previously-excluded person are largely explored in this research. Growing momentum of online freelancing and microwork has a significant positive socio-economic impact not only on the life of the urban upper- and middle-classes but also on that of the poor and rural areas. Understanding the enabling factors and challenges in adapting to work on online freelancing and microwork platforms are largely unstudied.
Therefore, objective of this study is to uncover,
- What are opportunities for under-employed youth, women and previously-excluded persons to participate in freelancing/microwork platforms?
- Understanding the enabling factors and challenges and how the successful initiatives mitigated these challenges.
To answer this, the research team is currently conducting a series of field experiments involving nationwide baseline survey and multiple focus group discussions covering potential and current workers on online platforms in Sri Lanka, India and Myanmar.