21 – 23 February 2008 at Kandalama Hotel, Kandalama, Sri Lanka
LIRNEasia hosted a Workshop to discuss the policy level implications and business level possibilities of using ICTs to reduce transaction costs in the agricultural value chain as well as to improve traceability and enhance quality of products sold. The Workshop brought together key stakeholders consisting of policy makers, private and public sector participants and researchers, both in agriculture and ICT. It was based on the pilot projects conducted by LIRNEasia in 2007, which was discussed in detail at the Workshop.
All presentations made at the Workshop can be found below:
Traceability: International Perspective – Visoot Phongsathorn
Linking Sri Lankan farmers to global markets – Dr. Harsha de Silva
Traceability in agricultural markets – Shamistra Soysa
Cost of information in agriculture markets – Dimuthu Ratnadiwakara
Using ICTs to create efficient agricultural markets – Dr. Harsha de Silva
Dr. Zahid Rana
I’m Journalist working in an ICT organization. I want to participate in the workshop to be held 21-23 February, 2008. Please do reply me as soon as possible.
Kiringai Kamau
I am a trained and practicing ICT cum development consultant based in Kenya, Africa, with an interest in the development of field data capture solutions.
We develop software solutions that integrate with the handheld field data terminals and handheld scales which we source from our partners in Chennai to promote efficiency in produce handling, payment and institutional process management. We are in the process of domesticating our software solutions business in India. We have covered some enviable grounds in the management of agricultural value chains in Kenya and would be glad to share our experiences with your participants.
I therefore would very much like to participate virtually in this workshop particularly the Value Chain Thread.
Dr. Zahid Rana and Kiringai Kamau,
Unfortunately participation in the workshop is by invitation only. However, we will make avaialble on this web-site the presentaitons used at the workshop, as well as a written summary of the discussions.
The slides/notes from the public lecture on a related topic (by Prof Subhash Bhatnagar on the 25th) will also be posted.
Please join us today via Skype for the colloquium where we will present some of the information that will be discussed at the workshop (covering the reslts of two studies conducted by LIRNEasia). Instructions for joining virtually are posted on main page.
Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to engaging in a dilogue with you both.
Dr. Fredrick Abeyratne
First of all let me thank LIRNEasia, for inviting me to this work. It was organized well and discussed a very timely subject. Traceability, however, in my openion is still a new concept to this country. Hence, need to create an awarness among the public as well as the policy makers. Hence, I suggest some paper articles to the press would be a very effetive and cheap way to get the message.
Dr. Fredrick Abeyratne/UNDP Colombo.