Dimuthu worked at LIRNEasia as a Junior Researcher for the Data, Algorithms and Policy team between 2020 and 2021. At LIRNEasia she was involved in research on the generation of synthetic data from CDR datasets, as well as in the analysis of Chinese Cyber Policy. She also worked on projects on the ethics of artificial intelligence, and on developing artificial intelligence to curb misinformation, where she used Natural Language Processing techniques for building machine learning algorithms to classify fake news. She was also involved in the building of the Sinhala news corpus.
Dimuthu has been a full-time English journalist in Sri Lanka; she was one of the top 12 international journalists shortlisted for the Thomson Foundation’s Young Journalist Award 2018. She was also a Business Adviser to a multi-country programme promoting inclusive economic development via value chain interventions, and holds a BSc in Economics and Finance from the University of London