Human Capital Research Program Archives — LIRNEasia

The first publication from LIRNEasia’s Human Capital Research Program is in bookstores in Colombo and at the International Book Exhibition opening at the BMICH on September 18th (CG Associates University Bookstore D-206 and D-207). It is a directory that provides comprehensive and authoritative information about the choices facing school leavers who wish to enter degree programs. The choices outside the University Grants Commission bottleneck are wider than thought. The HCR program plans to follow up with directories on professional qualifications, etc.
LIRNEasia is the administrative partner of CPRsouth, an entity that seeks to build ICT policy intellectuals in the South. As with most of the administrative activities we undertake, we treat CPRsouth as a research project too. The heavy lifting is done by LIRNEasia’s Human Capital Research Program headed by Sujata Gamage. The slideset that was prepared based on her research and presented to the Board at its meeting on September 7, 2012 showed that for an inter-disciplinary group, CPRsouth was making rapid progress in the transition to a real network. One of the most important slides showed that the average ages of paper-presenters and young scholars were 34 years and 29 years respectively.