Connect the young, and the old

Posted on May 19, 2007  /  2 Comments

Rohan Samarajiva examines what is required to connect families at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) in South Asia, drawing from the findings of a five-country Teleuse@BOP study that included the elicitation of responses from around 9,000 teleusing households (respondents were between the ages of 18 and 60) in Socio Economic Classifications D and E (SEC D&E). His article was published by on World Telecoms day.


  1. Abu,

    Could you kindly point out the exact URL of the article? The bizarrely does not allow one to search the site for content, and I couldn’t find Rohan’s article on the homepage. Better yet, how about a PDF on this site itself?


  2. Sanjana, please try now. You will find a link to an MS Word file at the bottom and just download it. Sorry for the trouble. Abu