AT&T Warms Up to Google’s Android For Mobile Phones

Posted on April 5, 2008  /  0 Comments

AT&T is finally warming up to Google’s phone OS, Android. T-Mobile and Sprint and members of the Open Handset Alliance, which champions Google’s new Linux-based platform, and Verizon has promised to make its network open to any device, a move that likely had Android devices specifically in mind.

At the CTIA wireless show in Vegas AT&T Mobility chief, Ralph de la Vega said,
“I like it a lot more than I did before… It’s something we would want in our portfolio.”

His conversion on Android came after Google executives showed him that AT&T would be able to load its own applications on any Android handset it sold. Previously, the company had been fearful the handset would be geared too much towards the Google brand. Too be fair, however, AT&T’s tepid response would not have prevented Android devices from getting on its network. AT&T’s network has long been open to any device that operates on the right frequency, is GSM based (as opposed to Verizon’s CDMA cellular technology), and can accept a SIM card.

Read the full story here.

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