In 1998, the principal journalist organizations of Sri Lanka agreed on the Colombo Declaration on Media Freedom and Social Responsibility. That served as a roadmap for some interesting and innovative reforms including the creation of a self-regulatory mechanism for print media in 2003. Of course, the reforms were not completed.
In the hope of revising the text and energizing the reform effort, the Sri Lanka Press Institute organized a workshop, at which I was asked to speak. In light of the 15 minutes I was assigned, I decided to focus on SMS and cell broadcasting within the larger context of mobiles, a subject we are deeply interested in, rather try to cover the waterfront.
In my presentation, I contrasted the connectivity and new media availability in 1998 when the Declaration was worked up, and now. I showed how significant mobiles were, and discussed two (or three) applications that had media-like qualities (allowed for one-to-many communication). This included customer-requested SMS and cell broadcasting.
Unfortunately, not enough time was available for discussion. Some of the questions/comments (including from the panel) assumed that the state in Sri Lanka was like that in Sweden (not that they made this comparison): asking for explicit statements of policy and thinking that appropriate selection of metaphor and frame would change the outcome. This is an issue I have to come back to over and over again, that all policy design must begin from a realistic analysis of the state, its fundamental incentive structures and capabilities. Just because we wish we had rational government processes, we will not get them.
Sanjana Hattotuwa
I meant to ask, what’s preventing the implementation of cell broadcasting in SL?
Rohan Samarajiva
No government action is required for commercial applications of CB. The ITU-T Study Group 2 is working on standardizing the addressing system for CB, but that shouldn’t stop anyone.
Public warning applications are another story. Here, government action is required to set the channel that will be used for public warning.
Chanuka Wattegama
According to what Sherille Ismail told me, mobile operators in USA are reluctant to activate CB, because they have already invested heavily on alternative (and more sophisticated) technologies. They think CB might kill that investment. Hope we are not that late.
LIRNEasia CEO Helani Galpaya at the Canada-in-Asia Conference 2025
LIRNEasia’s CEO Helani Galpaya, participated in the Canada-in-Asia 2025 (CAIC) Conference held in Singapore from February 19-21, 2025. The event, organized by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and Universities Canada, brought together over 800 participants from across Canada and the Asia-Pacific region to discuss investment opportunities and strengthen ties between the two regions.
LIRNEasia at RightsCon 2025: Helani Galpaya and Merl Chandana lead critical conversations
LIRNEasia participated in RightsCon 2025, the world’s largest gathering of digital rights leaders, held in Taipei and online from February 24 to 27, 2025. The event brought together business leaders, policymakers, human rights advocates, technologists, and academics to address the intersection of human rights and technology.
සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම ඩිජිටල්කරණය කරන ලද රජයේ ගෙවීම් පද්ධතියක් සැමට ජයග්රහණයක් වන්නේ කෙසේද?
සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම ඩිජිටල්කරණය කරන ලද රජයේ ගෙවීම් පද්ධතියක් රජය, බදු ගෙවන්නන්, සහ බැංකු වැනි මූල්ය ආයතන ඇතුළු සැමට ජයග්රහණයක් වන්නේ මන්දැයි LIRNEasia සභාපති මහාචාර්ය රොහාන් සමරජීව මහතා The Leaderහි පළවූ ඔහුගේ නවතම සිංහල ලිපියේ පැහැදිලි කර ඇත. සම්පූර්ණ ලිපිය කියවන්න.
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