Your operator promises you x Mbps. Are you sure he keeps promise? If not, what you miss?
LIRNEasia, has been researching on Broadband performance quality issues in Asia. One objective of our work is to create ‘EMPOWERED USERS’ armed with broadband performance information.
Our first milestone was to develop ‘Ashoka-Tissa’ methodology of Broadband testing. This was released at a seminar jointly organized with Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka on March 18, 2008.
Next move was to automate the test process. LIRNEasia has developed an Open Source based tester (named AT-Tester) with the help of a team from ITT-Madras. After few months of beta-testing now it is available on the net (including the source).
LIRNEasia plans to launch it in Sri Lanka on at a workshop jointly organized by Sarvodaya.
ATTENDENCE FREE (with prior registration)
Date and Time: November 25, 2008, 8.30 am – 11.30 noon
Venue: Sarvodaya headquarters, Rawathawatte, Moratuwa
Media: Sinhala/Tamil with simple English. Interactions can be in any of the three
The areas to be covered are:
• Introduction to broadband
• Broadband Quality of Service and why it matters
• Test methodologies and our approach
• Introduction of the AT-Tester
The workshop is primarily for Sarvodaya telecenter operators but few seats are available for the following categories on the first-come-first-served basis.
• Telecenter operators with more than 1 year of experience
• Blogger having an active blog for minimum 3 months (Preference: Local language bloggers)
(Overnight stay facilities are provided by Sarvodaya for the previous night for out-station participants)
Please contact Chanuka Wattegama (chanuka[ at ] for registration/more details with a contact number. (Deadline Nov 21, 2008)
( << Great site by the way. Are you guys planing to add more ISP data in the future?
Chanuka Wattegama
We rather expect volunteers to add ISPs. They need to register the ISP the first time it is tested. LIRNEasia will surely be the driving force behind, but we need lots of volunteer assistance to make this a success.
BTW, this workshop is the first one to introduce our software to such a group of volunteers.