The document describes the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for data collection, data processing, data reporting, and database/system administration.
Data collection involves
- Setting up of the Biosurveillance Module (BSM) initial information (i.e. implement database) through the web application and direct Database Administration (DBA) functions
- Installing, configuring, and maintaining the m-HealthSurvey mobile application
- Health worker expected practices in submitting data
- Documenting and reporting problems associated with the BSM and m-HealthSurvey
Data processing involves
- Installing, configuring, and maintaining the T-Cube Web Interface (TCWI) analytical tool
- Installing, , configuring, and maintaining the detection algorithms
- Health Officials (epidemiologist) expected practices in analyzing the health data
- Defining priority levels for particular diseases
- Documenting events of interest
- Documenting and reporting problems associated with TCWI and detection algorithms
Data reporting involves
- Installing, configuring, and maintaining the Sahana Alerting and Messaging Module (MAM)
- Initializing the MAM contact lists, jurisdictions, geographical areas, message templates
- Verification and Authorization procedures for issuing health alerts
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