Understanding the Bottom of the Pyramid

Posted on December 11, 2009  /  0 Comments

Randy Spence by lirneasia

Understanding people at the bottom of the pyramid and targeting them in a business and telecom sense is important. Communication and information produce positive benefits to poor people, and there is evidence to prove this. But there are also negatives to this.

Communication info can communicate to economic well being. It also contributes substantially to people’s personal well being and to capability building and human development.

The Happiness Index

Percieved well being  can be classed into 7 factors. Top of the list is family relations and community and friends. These needs are mostly communication intensive. Communication with friends and family is considered very important. Economic well being is only at the middle of the list.

Capabilities required for human development inclide income, health, shelter, employment, education, security etc. Capabilities can reside in networks as well as in individuals. a lot of what we can do depends upon the people we know and the capabilities of the networks we communicate with.

– Randy Spense, ESDA, Canada

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