Forming policy intellectuals in the Asia Pacific and Africa: The story of Communication Policy Research south, 2006-2018

Posted by on July 31, 2022  /  0 Comments

This paper provides a description of a TPRC influenced conference and training program intended to develop policy intellectuals for the ICT space in Africa and the Asia Pacific that was active from 2006 to 2018. The unique feature of the model was the focus on identifying and developing junior and mid-level scholars to engage with policy and regulatory processes in the ICT space. Evidence of efficacy from tracer surveys is presented. The causes of the brevity of CPRsouth’s existence are analyzed in relation to EuroCPR and TPRC, using a model of knowledge network evolution, including the availability or not of external “subsidies” and the mismatch between potential funders and the scope of the activity.

By: Rohan Samarajiva & Sujata Gamage

This paper can be accessed here.

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