Thursday Evening, 5:00PM
Sri Lanka Foundation Institute
100 Independence Square, Colombo
This lecture is free and open to the public. The lecture will address all-hazards warning and the use of the Common Alerting Protocol in disaster mitigation.
Gordon Gow is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Extensions at the University of Alberta, Canada. Co-author of the book: “Mobile and Wireless Communication: An Introduction” and most current book: “Policymaking for Critical Infrastructure”. Moreover, he is the communication systems consultant for “Evaluating a last-mile Hazard Dissemination: A Research Project” in Sri Lanka.
Gordon Gow —
It is a community-based last-mile warning system, being tried out in a selection of Sarvodaya‘s villages in Sri Lanka. Different technologies will be tested in 32 of Sarvodaya’s Tsunami-affected villages; some are ‘organized,’ some are ‘less organized and some have received training, and some have not.
“Last mile hazard warning is a two-tier communication system; i.e. HIH first-responders and Village first-responders”
Sanjana Hattotuwa
Would be interesting to hear what Gordon has to say, esp. in light of stories such as this,;_ylt=AsoRCRSChQKvzNzyQNJKdRLaHXcA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl indicative to those involved in humanitarian aid systems design, to paraphrase Frost, of the miles more we need to go before we can sleep.
The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP: An Information Model for All-Hazard Warning), Art Botterell, ORNL, presented at the Summer Workshop Net-Ready Sensors: The Way Forward.
Links to the conference flyer/agenda and links to the presentations at the conference are provided —