Sri Lanka to have a Telecom Icon

Posted on August 29, 2008  /  2 Comments

Sri Lanka will build a state-sponsored 250 metre tall common broadcast tower for television, radio and telecom firms, information minister Anura Yapa said.

“The building of towers in a haphazard manner cannot be allowed,” Minister Yapa said.

“The tower will be a national icon, like those in China, Kuala Lampur (image) and Tehran.”

Sri Lanka’s telecom regulator Priyantha Kariapperuma said the tower will be located in Peliyagoda in the greater Colombo area and will have a public observation gallery and a restaurant.

The tower will be built at state cost, but a private investor may be attracted later, he said.

Source: Lanka Business Online


  1. Great work.. it’s gonna be proud and mejastic of the colombo city.

  2. Peliyagoda is a separate municipality, not part of Colombo.