The FCC has engaged Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society to study net neutrality and its impact. Here is the draft report. Most of the highest-ranking countries use net neutrality policies, under which the incumbent carriers have to allow competitors to lease capacity on their networks and offer their own services, the Berkman report said. By contrast, the U.S. stands out for having instituted such rules in the Telecommunications Act of 1996 but backed away from them early in this decade, the report said. Interestingly, the report finds wireless broadband policies are more complicated and more difficult to draw conclusions from. Now the commission has invited comments on it by November 16.
D Ellis
We do not need the rules that you are proposing to place on the use of the internet. We need LESS government intervention in the life of the average American citizen. The only thing that I can see that these rules will do is to inhibit the use of the internet and put a stranglehold the private lives of people that use the internet for free, unfettered information.
D Ellis
@D Ellis
No. You’ve got it backwards. Net Neutrality means that ISPs must treat all web traffic from all parts of the internet equally. Without these rules ISPs can filter and restrict what you want to access. If you want to continue using the internet for free, unfettered information then you should be supporting net neutrality.
How AI is revolutionizing satellite imagery for a better view of our planet
As of 2025 DAY 33, the satellite tracking website “Orbiting Now” lists 11,559 active satellites in various Earth orbits, each with missions including communications, Earth observation, technology development, navigation, space science, etc. These satellites provide us with an unprecedented view of Earth, enabling real-time monitoring and granular data collection.
Announcing the 5 Grantees of the 1st Cycle of the FutureWORKS Asia Project
We are pleased to announce that the selection round of the Cycle 1 of FutureWORKS Asia has officially concluded. After a thorough review process, we have selected five grantees who proposed innovative and impactful projects that address critical challenges and opportunities in the future of work to make it more inclusive and sustainable in the Global South.
LIRNEasia is hiring: Senior Researcher
LIRNEasia is looking for an experienced individual to fill the position of Senior Researcher. The full job description is available here.
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