Our engagement with Myanmar begins

Posted on August 16, 2013  /  3 Comments

It was tough to engage when reforms were not on the cards and Myanmar seemed happy to watch while the whole world got connected. Those days we wrote about China selling mobile service inside Myanmar and about cables that were cut. We also wrote about Cyclone Nargis and our small contributions to relief.

But all that changed once the reform winds started blowing. I’ve been asked why so many blog posts on Myanmar. When 60 million people are about to be connected electronically for the first time, the question is why not.

Any way, we are off to Yangon tomorrow. We will teach a short course to government officials in Naypitaw on the 20th and have discussions on how we can contribute. This is truly exciting.


  1. Very exciting indeed…looking forward to hearing about progress made.

  2. Dear Rohan, I will be attending the inaugural Myanmar Connect conference organized by Capacity Media in September and would love to get your insights on Myanmar from your recent trip? Thank you.

    1. Dear Julian, we’ll be writing up our reflections on the visit. However I am not planning to attend the event you mention.