measurement Archives — LIRNEasia

The first session of the journal club for 2025 focused on the working paper ‘Digital Public Infrastructure: A Framework for Conceptualization and Measurement’ by David Eaves and Krisstina Rao, published by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) on 27 January 2025. The paper aimed to conceptualize and measure digital public infrastructure (DPI), addressing its growing global policy relevance. Using a grounded theory approach, the study integrates insights from literature and expert interviews to offer two key contributions. A normative framework to trace the attributes of the concept, discussing its qualities in terms of technology, public-interest values, and the adoption context. A measurement framework to evaluate the presence of these attributes in real-world DPI implementations.

Data for poverty measurement

Posted by on September 7, 2023  /  0 Comments

Poverty alleviation is the first of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals. However, the three decades of progress in poverty alleviation hit the COVID-19 pandemic wall (World Bank, 2022). This was further exacerbated by longstanding macroeconomic mismanagement in countries such as Sri Lanka. Counting the poor is the first step in poverty alleviation (The Economist, 2023). Deaton (2016), for example, notes that recording details of how people live, their consumption patterns, and their expenditure has long served as a tool, sometimes a political one, that aimed to bring the living conditions of the impoverished to the attention of those in authority, to evoke shock, and to advocate for reform.