Tweet: SMS speak

Posted on February 1, 2008  /  0 Comments

Campaign tools | A-twitter |

Twitter imposes a 140-character-limit on all tweets. The choice is technical, not aesthetic; most mobile-service providers won’t carry text messages longer than 160 characters. This limit, as with any restricted poetic form, is a strength. Foreign correspondents in the first half of the 20th century learned to write in cablese, a series of abbreviations demanded by news organisations that had to pay by the word. Twitter, according to Ms Cox, forces the writer to think economically. “If I strip out the padding,” she says, “what’s my real point?” Twitter, she says, works best when puncturing a candidate’s own narrative. From Michigan she tweeted “Mitt [Romney] has so many things ‘in my bloodstream’ (cars, Michigan, business), you could make a v powerful vaccine out of him.”

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