Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka, which, now also regulates pornographic content, today created telecom regulatory history by appointing perhaps the world’s first Pornographic Monitoring Committee.
While congratulating the newly appointed Chairman and his proud family (“Amma, you are never going to believe this! Hubby is now getting paid for watching nude girls”) we, in our own humble manner like to suggest a mission statement. (above)
Reports Daily Mirror Online:
The Sri Lanka Telecommunications Regulatory Commission has appointed a monitoring committee to be on the alert for pornographic websites in the island.
The TRC had said that telephone and internet services companies have agreed to be constantly on the alert for pornographic websites and to control access to them in the island, with twelve such websites already having been banned.
Director General of the T.R.C. Priyantha Kariyapperuma had said to a state radio channel today, that a monitoring committee has been appointed in this regard and that the members of the committee are expected to be vigilant on such websites and submit recommendation to the commission accordingly.
The commission however had also requested parents to be more aware and inquisitive about their children and their access to the internet.
Cricket Tragic
Chanuka, you are too funny!
BTW, with all apologies to Rohan, could I possibly apply for a job at the Pornography regulatory commission?
Abu Saeed Khan
Yo boss, count me in as a foreign observer! Cheers!!
Hi :-)
I advocate internet porn. You might wanna read my post here.
It was posted long ago, much before this hysterical ban by some holier than thou self righteous king, but its still relevant i guess :-) Have a look.
ලබ්බට අත තියන්නේ, ඊලගට පුහුලට අත් තියන්න මිසක වෙන මොකටද
Oh jeez.
Where will we find a tent big enough to cover up Sigiriya?
i suggest paint over those painting. green color pain is better, since it have tried before very sucesfully.
Cricket Tragic
Rather, I think we should paint a blouse over those porno parts…would make the girls look better! :P
Nalaka Gunawardene
Pity the self-appointed guardians of our morals and culture! To be consistent, I guess they will need to block out or block out all forms of nudes and semi-nudes, whether in living human beings or in art work. After all, laws must apply equally or there can be fundamental rights petitions challenging discriminatory enforcement.
So what are our smart alecs to do with Sigiriya apsaras who are most prominently topless, showing off their ample bosoms? To let them be would be discrimination. To cover them up in anyway would also be problematic — the heritage wallahs would cry foul, with a possible slogan: “Hands off Sigiriya girls!”
In journalism school, we were taught to avoid writing sensational headlines like ‘Headless body found in topless bar’. But I just can’t resist this one: Headless politicos hapless among topless damsels!
Chanuka Wattegama
This Pakistani blog site links to our story. Both the blogger and most commenter s suggest PTA should follow TRCSL example.
No sex please, we’re Sri Lankans
Censoring of movies and advertisement with sex, drug and alcohol scenes and disciplinary action on students for using mobile phones during school hours and compulsory registration of internet cafes are among some of the tough measures to be adopted as part of the plans to improve culture, an official said yesterday.
Ban on sex scenes
Cultural Affairs Ministry Secretary G.L.W. Samarasinghe said instructions would be given to completely cut -out all sex and alcohol/drug content from films and advertisements, irrespective of the age group of those viewing them.
The moves come in the wake of the government decision to block internet sites with pornography content. The government announcement that internet pornographic sites would be blocked came after a court ruling which identified 12 such porn sites. (See inside story)
Mr. Samarasinghe said laws would be introduced soon to allow the Public Performances Board to censor films, advertisements and other media material with sex, alcohol or drug content.
He said there was little or no opportunity in Sri Lanka cinemas for local films to be screened because of foreign adults-only films.
The official clarified that local film with an artistic value though bearing the ‘adults only’ label would probably not be affected by the new laws. Minister Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena said he would request local film producers to make films that reached international standard but adhered to the cultural values of Sri Lanka.
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Chief Priyantha Kariyapperuam said all internet cafes would have to apply for registration and their work would be closely monitored to ensure compliance with the law.
He said they were aware that many of these cafes gave easy access to porn websites and the officials would crack the whip on such cafes. Actor and film-maker Sanath Gunathilaka whose ‘Adults Only’ film “Ekamath Eka Rataka” is now showing, said he believed that if the script of the film demanded an intimate scene, a director must have the right to include it in his film and laws should not be a hindrance.
Film director Prasanna Vithanage scoffed at the move, saying it was a “bad joke being played on us”. “If this happens, I’ll have to say that the government is heading in the direction of the Taliban regime.”
Actor Mahendra Perera said he could not understand why this ban was being mooted. “If there is to be a ban, there should be a lot of discussion. It’s alright if obscene films are banned but if they are to ban all adults only films, it will be ridiculous.”
Cinema owners said there could be complications in the manner in which films were categorized.
The problem could arise only with the ‘X’ category, Ceylon Theatres operations manager D. Jayasundara said.
“There are imported and locals films that come under the ‘X’ category. However some films, mainly imported ones, should have a category of their own as they are extremely obscene in comparison to the locally-produced films which aren’t hardcore,” Mr. Jayasundara said calling on the authorities to devise a categorization method to differentiate a hardcore movie from an artistic movie with adult content.
Cricket Tragic
Hah, saw the title when i bought the paper today morning and absolutely loved it.
Correct me if I’m mistaken, but was it not quite recently that the president of this country declaired that ‘war on terrorism’ over and that DEMOCRACY has been bestowed upon this ‘blessed nation’ or was it just my wishful thinking? Because I do not see any form of democracy in cencorship of any kind. What happened to freedom of communication and freedom of information? While i agree that pornographic meterial is not suitable for young children, i believe that the first responsibility falls upon the parents to keep their children on the right path. But if the governemt should also feel that it is their responsibility to keep the minds of the Sri Lankan youth innnocent and free of mortal desires and distractions, they should take it upon themselves to educate the parents on how to ‘switch on’ the parental control feature in the internet browser and which also come standard in most current anti virus software. And as for the rest of the population (adults), we should have the freedom to choose if we want to be pure at heart and mind or surccumb to earthly desires. Because that is what democracy stand for. If the government wishes to implement any form of democracy in this country, they should star by allowing the people to make the choice, and not make it for them. And I’m not just talkin about pornography, it is just the first step. Sooner or later, the entire media will be under government censorship according to what they deem is socially acceptable content. I’m certain that by this time next year, all the comments on this page, including this will be removed as they would be considered heresy against the dogmas established by our glorious leader!
All I say is if I wanted to live in a country where everything is censored, I would move to North Korea. All I want is the freedom of choice, to decide what I want to look at, and not to have that freedom taken away from me. We did not elect this government to have our rights taken away from us, but because they said that they would bring democracy to the whole nation. This is the first step away from democracy and towards totalatarianism and dictatership. Lets do hope with all our might that Sri Lanka is not moving towards becoming the next North Korea. Give back our freedom to decide, bring back democracy.
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