Code-fest for Alerting Enthusiasts – IOTX Lanka

Posted on May 1, 2014  /  0 Comments

Join us at the CAP Code-fest



IT Industry teaming with Emergency Management Experts to experimentaly develop exciting warning/alerting software solutions.

ANYONE CAN JOIN the CAP Code-fest and it is Free to Attend.

  • Experiment with interchanging warning/alerting information with disparate software solutions and then build new interfaces between them.
  • Play with various domain specific software designs, XML-based interoperable data structure, information interchanging Application Programming Interfaces (OData APIs), Databases, or simply be a Lurker and give a helping hand with researching concepts.
  • A fun activity with outcomes expected to contribute towards IT tools in SAVING LIVES.
  • The event is co-hosted by Sahana, Virtusa, LIRNEasia, WMO, ITU, and OASIS.

 19th June 2014 starting at 9am .

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The CAP-enabled software tool we would use and experiment with:

  • Sahana-Eden Alerting and Messaging Broker (Web2Py MVC and a Publisher/Subscriber messaging architectures.
  • CAP Editor, a Java2EE based tool for publishing validated Multiple Language CAP messages to the Google Alerthub.
  • Mobile CAP Tool (HTML/Javascript) app for publishing and managing CAP messages with a SMART phone and MySQL back-end
  • CAP ITU Software, a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) based Single Language CAP Publisher and Subscriber.

 REGISTER   – this is an Indian Ocean Tsunami 10th Anniversary event. We encourage the Media and Lurkers to join. Coder tell us your choice of tool you want to work on.

We are applying a Goal Improvement HCI Methodology is to experiment with enhancing software components for interchanging various alerting message between the CAP-enabled software tools. For such we have identified the following intents:

A) Develop a Sahana (OData-like) S3XML data structure to CRUD pictographs used in alerting. The teams will determine the optimal set of CAP elements to build in to the HTTP RESTful Request APIs. Thereafter, the CAP Editor, Mobile CAP Tool, and ITU CAP Software will use the APIs to publish a message with the pictograph

B) Establish a set of parameters for exchanging measurement data; first document the norms in the Sahana wiki; then enhance each of the CAP-enabled tools to use the parameter values to change the visualization (e.g. flash flood water height to display the inundation region on a map).

C) Emulate a Google Alerthub test base for experimenting with RSS/Atom feeds for a Common Operating Picture; using the Sahana-Eden’s Crisis Map with spatial and temporal filtering capabilities.

For More details visit:

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