Harsha De Silva speaking on ‘mPayments in Public Transport’. The session was chaired by Yaseen Anwar, Deputy Governor, State Bank of Pakistan
Mobile 2.0 describes the next wave of applications and services – the use of mobiles for more than voice. On the 26th and 27th of April 2010, LIRNEasia together with the PTA co-hosted a successful expert forum in Islamabad, Pakistan. A multitude of themes were discussed over the four sessions, when the experts presented their research and cases to an audience that consisted of those representing regulators, mobile operators, government agencies and the media from nine countries of the Asia Pacific region.
Day 1: Opening Session
Welcome Speech I: Prof. Rohan Samarajiva, PhD, Chair and CEO, LIRNEasia
Welcome Speech II: Rashid Khan, CEO, Mobilink
Address by Chief Guest: Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa, Advisor to Prime Minister on IT
Day 2: Expert Forum
Session 1: Beyond voice (Easing payments, making markets efficient)
Chair: Yaseen Anwar, Deputy Governor, Banking Supervision and Corporate Services, State Bank of Pakistan
Sriganesh Lokanathan, LIRNEasia – Leveraging Mobile 2.0 for Agricultural Market Access [Policy Brief]
Harsha de Silva, PhD, LIRNEasia – mPayments in Public Transport: The case of bus tickets in Sri Lanka [Policy Brief]
Muriuki Mureithi, Summit Strategies, Kenya – mPayments experience in Kenya
Aamir Ibrahim, Chief Strategy Officer, Telenor Pakistan – Mobile 2.0: The telenor experience with EasyPaisa
Session 2: Beyond voice (mGovernment, mCommerce, mSocial Networking)
Chair: Syed Nasrul Karim Ghaznavi, Member (Finance), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
Shazna Zuhyle, LIRNEasia (on behalf of Ayesha Zainudeen) – Mobile Markets: What works in emerging Asia? [Policy Brief]
Puree Sirasoontorn, LIRNEasia – BuzzCity [Policy Brief]
Prof. Rohan Samarajiva, PhD, LIRNEasia (on behalf of Prof. Subhash Bhatnagar) – eGovernance using mobile platform [Policy Brief]
Parvez Iftikar, CEO, Universal Service Fund – Telecom for all
Session 3: Conditions for Mobile 2.0 (Market entry)
Chair: Khawar Siddique Khokhar, PhD, Member (Technical), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority
Helani Galpaya & Payal Malik, LIRNEasia – Unleashing the potential of mobile 2.0 technologies through efficient spectrum management [Policy Brief]
Prof. Rohan Samarajiva, PhD, LIRNEasia – Mobile number portability [Policy Brief]
Muhammad Talib Dogar, Director General (Services), PTA (Pakistan’s experience with Mobile Number Portability) – Mobile number portability: Pakistan’s Experience
Session 4: Conditions for Mobile 2.0 (Quality of Service Experience)
Chair: Baburajan K., Executive Editor, Voice and Data
Chanuka Wattegama, LIRNEasia – User-centric Broadband Quality Monitoring Approach
Wasim Tauqir, Director General (Strategy & Development), PTA (Pakistan’s experience with Mobile Quality of Service) – Pakistan’s experience with Mobile Quality of Service
Panel Discussion: What Next?
Adnan Shahid, Director (Marketing) , Mobilink Pakistan
Adil Rauf, CEO, Alcatel Lucent, Pakistan
Wangay Dorji, Head- Telecommunications, Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority
Grace Amberong, Information Technology Officer & Head of Government Portal and Website Development, CICT Philippines (Presentation)
Rohan Samarajiva, PhD, Chair & CEO LIRNEasia
Media Coverage:
Daily Times (Improvement of broadband penetration discussed)
The Hindu Business Line (Mobile 2.0 forum meet begins in Islamabad)
The Hindu Business Line (Pakistan plans big push for IT, rural telecom)
The Hindu Business Line (Connect to the Bottom of the Pyramid)
The Hindu Business Line (Pak ahead of India in use of Universal Service Funds)
The Hindu Business Line (Our telecom licensing is technology-neutral – Interview with Dr Mohommed Yaseen, Chairman, PTA)
Telecom News Bulletin (PTA and LIRNEasia jointly host International Telecom Expert Forum)
The Financial Express (Cell phone use yet to pick up in third world in absence of non-voice services)
The Sunday Times (Internet – unheard of, for many Lankans: Study)
Voice & Data (Pakistan to focus on flung areas for provision of broadband services)
Voice & Data (Telecom can strengthen our bonds in Pakistan)
Voice & Data (Pak Government is looking to expand in to non-voice)
State of Telecom Industry in Pakistan
Bangkok Post Tech (Mobile phones offer hope to ‘Bottom of the Pyramid’)
Bangkok Post Tech (Forum discusses ways to break cycle of poverty)
Bangkok Post Tech (India points the way)
Babar Bhatti
This was a great event and I enjoyed listening to and talking with the experts there. Thank for posting all the information here.
Rana Asghar
Mobile number portability: Pakistan’s Experience presentation by Talib Dogar is not opening. Can you please look into this ?
Our apologies. It is now fixed and is accessible.
Inward or outward looking policies post COVID-19?
Today I participated in a Zoom meeting organized by the Nightwatchman Society attended by around 200 participants where the above question was discussed by a panel of four, including myself. The recording of the discussion is here.
Insights from our work on agriculture to inform current debates on post-COVID-19 economy
Now is the right time to rethink food-supply chains. As the expected shocks from climate change (longer droughts, more floods, etc.
Insights for current food security debates from our work on agricultural supply chains
In previous research going back to 2006, LIRNEasia has studied food supply chains, including, but not limited to, fruit and vegetable supply chains in Sri Lanka centered on Sri Lanka’s largest wholesale market in Dambulla which was recently shut down by the government along with several other wholesale markets. The closures were preceded by scenes of massive over supply, frustrated farmers throwing away unsold produce in large quantities, claims that the traditional traders were exploitative “middlemen,” and counterclaims that politicians were seeking to replace them, etc.
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