DIRSI Archives — LIRNEasia

AfterAccess Asia Report

Posted by on October 4, 2018  /  0 Comments

LIRNEasia. (2018). AfterAccess: ICT access and use in Asia and the Global South (Version 1). Colombo: LIRNEasia
Several of our Latin American colleagues have written about an increasing and dynamic digital divide. With all respect, much of what they write is wishful thinking. They have some kind of ideal picture of broadband and keep talking about it without mapping out the path from where we are to there. The reason I saw this book is because they had cited what I had written, based on synthesizing the research from the Mobile More than Voice work we did in 2008-10. But our work is cited, not engaged with.
Recently, DIRSI, our sister research network in Latin America, conducted a one day workshop on The Role of the State in Broadband Development. Helani Galpaya, COO of LIRNEasia made a presentation about the Asian experience, highlighting case studies from Hong Kong and Korea.  The workshop was aimed at developing the capacity young scholars from research institutions and younger employees of regulatory agencies in the Latin American region. Alison Gilwalld (of RIA, our sister network in Africa) also made a presentation.   The workshop preceded the annual ACORN-REDECOM conference.
Research on Peruvian demand for telecom services by Aileen Aguero, a researcher from DIRSI, who is current working at LIRNEasia for six months, has made it to the leading newspaper in Peru. The article, which documents the introduction of bundled services by telecom companies, uses Aileen’s research on the demand for telecom services in Peru to explain the provision of varied packages by operators to suit different socio-economic groups. Her study shows that the lowest socio-economic group spends only 5% of family income on telecommunications; however, for every 10% increase in family income, Peruvians increases their spending on telecommunications by 19.7% on average. The full (local language) article is available here.