සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම ඩිජිටල්කරණය කරන ලද රජයේ ගෙවීම් පද්ධතියක් රජය, බදු ගෙවන්නන්, සහ බැංකු වැනි මූල්ය ආයතන ඇතුළු සැමට ජයග්රහණයක් වන්නේ මන්දැයි LIRNEasia සභාපති මහාචාර්ය රොහාන් සමරජීව මහතා The Leaderහි පළවූ ඔහුගේ නවතම සිංහල ලිපියේ පැහැදිලි කර ඇත. සම්පූර්ණ ලිපිය කියවන්න. The article has been published under Prof. Samarajiva’s column in the Daily Mirror in English. You can read the English version as well if you prefer.
In an insightful 50-minute discussion, Principal Presidential Advisor on Digital Economy Dr. Hans Wijayasuriya sat down with LIRNEasia Chair Prof. Rohan Samarajiva to share his insights on the key priorities and challenges in shaping the nation’s digital transformation. From bridging the country’s digital skills gap and fostering a thriving innovation ecosystem to implementing effective policy reforms, the conversation explores the steps needed to propel Sri Lanka into a competitive position on the global digital stage. Both experts bring a wealth of experience in technology, telecom, and policy, offering a thought-provoking dialogue on what it takes to drive meaningful change.