LIRNEasia's Research Fellow, Dilshan Fernando, along with CEO Helani Galpaya, Senior Research Manager Gayani Hurulle and Catherine Mobley of Clemson University, recently published a paper on disability and place of living.
LIRNEasia Chair, Rohan Samarajiva delivered the keynote address on Day 1 of ICA Manipal Regional Hub 2023, organised by the Manipal Institute of Communication, titled: Inauthenticity of content in internet regulation: Who decides and how?
LIRNEasia is looking for a consultant to conduct an assessment on public-private collaborations in the data domain and to identify enablers and barriers to such partnerships, with special attention to achieving SDGs in Bangladesh. This will involve mapping public-private collaborations in the data domain in Bangladesh through desk research; and conducting key informant interviews to identify enablers and barriers for data partnerships.
Senior research manager, Gayani Hurulle spoke to the market research industry on LIRNEasia's experience in conducting impactful public policy research at a seminar organised to commemorate International Market Research Day.
LIRNEasia CEO Helani Galpaya frames the discussions at the UN’s ongoing official consultations leading to the development of the Global Digital Compact, along with Vint Cerf and Tripti Sinha.
Can ChatGPT do the job of a qualitative researcher? Isuru Samaratunga tested out ChatGPT's ability to carry out qualitative data analysis. Here's what he learnt.
Helani Galpaya spoke on the information disorder at the panel discussion titled “Democracy in the Digital Age: How Canada Advances Internet Freedom for All," organised by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the International Development Research Center (IDRC).
LIRNEasia conducted a study on digital platform use across six countries in South and Southeast Asia. The working paper provides insights on popular platform types, drivers of and barriers to adoption, and the impact of COVID-19.
Helani Galpaya is part of global set of experts who were asked to sit on the Expert Group for the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).
South Asia has some of the lowest female labor force participation (LFP) rates in the world, second only to the Middle East. Employment flexibility, also known as workplace flexibility, flexi-work, among other terms, has long been argued as an enabler of women’s increased and sustained participation in the labor market.
LIRNEasia discussed policy challenges of ensuring access for all as well as the challenges of working from home during a pandemic for women at the the inaugural Sri Lanka Internet Day, organised by the Federation of Information Technology Industry Sri Lanka (FITIS) on 6-7 April 2021.