Data Driven Policy (Presentation)

Posted on February 1, 2019  /  0 Comments

Presented by Prof. Rohan Samarajiva at University of Moratuwa on 1st February 2019
A list of selected media coverage on AfterAccess following dissemination of the data and report in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
A list of selected media coverage on AfterAccess following dissemination of the data and report in Dhaka, Bangladesh
A list of selected media coverage on AfterAccess following dissemination of the Pakistan data and report
Presented by Gayani Hurulle at Myanmar Digital Rights Forum. 18 January 2019, Yangon.
A selection of coverage by Indian media of the AfterAccess surveys

Happy 2019! Do what’s difficult

Posted on January 1, 2019  /  0 Comments

Our founding Chair Prof. Rohan Samarajivareceived the SLT 01 Lifetime Achievement Award "for the yeoman contribution he has made over the years as a public policy maker and advocate to influence access to cost-effective and high-quality digital infrastructure for all Sri Lankans". 
Two segments of a mobile network can never be virtualized: power supply and radio access networks (RAN) antenna. Our mobile devices are directly connected with the RAN of a mobile network. Originally two types of frequencies (900 MHz and 1800 MHz) were good enough for 2G networks. Today’s 3G and 4G mobile networks use varieties of (700 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz and 2600 MHz) radio frequencies. And it has added a whole bunch of complexities to accommodate different types of antennas in a network.
Earlier this month, LIRNEasia Research Manager Shazna Zuhyle was in Geneva, where she was asked to speak about ICTs and Affordability at the last World Telecom / ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS 2018). Shazna headed the sub-group within the ITU’s Expert Group on Telecom / ICT Indicators (EGTI) in 2017 that proposed methodological revisions to the ICT Price Basket (IPB). Her talk revolved around the highlights of the changes made to the methodology and in understanding the supply-side data better. For example, at a national level while the value of the IPB may meet the Broadband Commission’s target of prices being less than 2 per cent of GNI per capita, if prices as a percentage of average household income per capita within income groups (e.g.

Peace to the farmers’ fields (Video)

Posted on December 18, 2018  /  0 Comments

A LIRNEasia video project exploring the history of relationships between the North and South of Sri Lanka through the agricultural value chain.
Details and application process for training event to be held 16-19 February in Pokhara.
Presented by Shazna Zuhyle at the 16th World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium
On December 4th, Nepali person’s living with disability and those who supported their cause, rallied along the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal to mark the 26thUnited Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). Somewhere in the crowd was our researcher, Isuru Samaratunga.
A list of selected media coverage on AfterAccess following dissemination of the Nepal data and report