Our founding Chair Prof. Rohan Samarajivareceived the SLT 01 Lifetime Achievement Award "for the yeoman contribution he has made over the years as a public policy maker and advocate to influence access to cost-effective and high-quality digital infrastructure for all Sri Lankans".
On December 4th, Nepali person’s living with disability and those who supported their cause, rallied along the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal to mark the 26thUnited Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). Somewhere in the crowd was our researcher, Isuru Samaratunga.
The AfterAccess surveys have shown that 26% of Cambodia Internet users aged 15-65 have experienced online harassment. The findings were released with the launch of the AfterAccess Asia report in Phnom Penh on 7th November 2018.
What evidence is best to support decisions on information and communication technology (ICT) initiatives? How can we ensure that the evidence comprises the most robust and least biased research?